Maxine Gurovich

The last bastion of unconditional love is your mother, if she’s a good one, and mine was most definitely a good one. Once she’s gone, there is nobody that will ever again give you unconditional love. The only thing left to do is Pay it Forward, to your wife, child and the people that you … Continue reading “Maxine Gurovich”

The last bastion of unconditional love is your mother, if she’s a good one, and mine was most definitely a good one. Once she’s gone, there is nobody that will ever again give you unconditional love. The only thing left to do is Pay it Forward, to your wife, child and the people that you love.

Maxine Gurovich, my mother.  Oct 1, 1920 – March 11, 2008.

Bye Mom, you were the finest, and I’m honored to be your son.

7 thoughts on “Maxine Gurovich”

  1. Dan, you were blessed to have such a great mother who shared her love with everyone she met. She radiated warmth and happiness to all. Be strong for your family and live by her example.

  2. My best to you and yours.

    My favorite memory of your mother is every year at the first of January, she would say to me, “Christmas this year will be on January __”

  3. Dan,

    Any aspects of class that you inherited came from her I think (no offense to Danko intended). That is what I remember most about her was she exhuded class. I always enjoyed coming to your house when we were kids as she made me feel so welcome. We raise our glasses to one classy lady. I am so glad she had such a rich and full life and we have so much to remember her by.


  4. Dan,

    I’m really sorry to hear of your loss. It’s one I know we’ll all have to face one day; so thank you for the example you set in honoring her. I hope you stay well. We’ll be sending our good thoughts and prayers to you and your family.


  5. I look back on my time with her and realize now what an opportunity it was. To see life through the lenses of a dedicated wife, mother, grandmother and friend. She was always compassionate and forward thinking for her generation but lived by a code of days gone by. She was one who loved to turn a phrase and was never shy about letting you know how she felt. The latter I respected most of all. I loved her dearly and as I grew up and went away to start my own life, her teachings were always with me.
    Thank you for being the glue that held the fabric of this family together.

  6. Beauty and Grace,
    through her expressions of faith.

    Comfort and tears,
    she helps calm my fears.

    Love and Life,
    she’s always my guide.

    There’ll never be another,
    she’s forever my Mother.

    — Shelly Middleton

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